Our Work

Asthmatic AI is developing a multisensory assessment of risk of asthma attacks. Predicting and detecting asthma attacks before they happen.

We use everyday sensor-based technologies to better predict asthma attacks by collecting real-time data from technologies such as smart watches and smart inhalers. The system can learn from these data using artificial intelligence to predict risk of future attacks.

The system will be able to learn from data as people with asthma use the technologies.

Over 26 million people suffer from asthma in the US, and about 40% will have an asthma attack this year.

Booze AI is an exciting project currently in human trials to measure blood alcohol concentration over a smartphone.  This exciting new technology aims to provide reliable estimates of blood alcohol concentration by using simple functions on a person’s smartphone and if successful will be the very first AI enabled smartphone breathalyser of its kind in the world.  This technology has a scalable use case as a downloadable App for people that drink alcohol and want an easy way to estimate blood alcohol levels, and the technology could have significant commercial implications in law enforcement and workplace health and safety if human trials prove to be clinically reliable. Booze AI is also working on developing an application to help detect cannabis and other drugs in the blood using the same technology over a smartphone.

Predicting negative mood states such as depression and anxiety and intervening and preventing it before it occurs.

With the advancement of wearables and associated technology and consumer Apps, we are now more than ever able to accurately detect and collect an individual’s biometric information, from heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, respiratory rate, sleep and activity data we can derive useful insights to a persons health.

And, with machine learning models developed by our team of engineers we are able to interpret the information being collected with reference to large pools of health data and understand what is going on in an individual’s body and how each system in the body is impacting another.

Around 25% of autistic individuals are estimated to remain undetected by the age of 6-7 years of age.

-this is usually 2-3 years after families and caregivers express concerns

-And, this is 3 years later than the optimal age for delivering early language and key supports.

-My Autism AI’s objective is to use advanced machine learning technologies to enable early, accessible, affordable and accurate detection of autism in individuals by mining intelligence from historical autism data. A multi-modal ensemble deep learning based system for auto-detection of autism spectrum.